Map and directions

NKP Ležáky
539 55 Miřetice

49°49'56.318"N, 15°53'58.549"E

Bus connection from Prague to Ležáky Prague
Central Bus Station Florenc - bus to: Hradec Králové, terminal, public city transport
Interchnge station Hradec Králové, terminal - bus to: Pardubice, terminal
Interchnge station Pardubice, terminal, public city transport - bus to: Chrudim, terminal, public city transport
Interchnge station Pardubice, terminal, public city transport - bus to: Miřetice near Hlinsko, bus stop, pub
The route continues: From the bus stop Miřetice near Hlinsko circa 2 km walk to NKP Ležáky.
Duration in total about 3 hours 30 minutes, distance circa 150 km.