Current affairs
Živa award 2018
Award for Lidice Memorial for "Storytelling"
The Lidice Memorial has won a prestigious award at this year's contest of the Slavic Museums - ŽIVA AWARD!
The Lidice Memorial was awarded in the storytelling category.
Živa award has been awarded since 2012 and since then almost 100 museums from the Slavonic countries have participated. The name of the contest was given by Slavic goddess Živa, which is a symbol of life, youth, wisdom, vitality, fertility and beauty.
The Živa Award evaluates the care and promotion of a common Slavic cultural heritage, a presentation of topics that combine even the complicated ones.
The emphasis is always on progressivity in approach and originality.
The prize is organized by the Forum of Slavic Cultures based in Slovenia.
The Lidice Memorial is very much appreciated by this prestigious prize!