Loans from the Collection
Lidice Memorial Collection, which is owned by the Czech Republic, is recorded in a central registry of collections (
Requests for loan of collection items are assessed in accordance with the Act 122/2000 Coll., On protection of museum collections, and approved by the director of the Lidice Memorial on the recommendation of the curator. Loans abroad have to be approved by the relevant department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
Lidice Memorial Collection contains five sub-collections:
- Subcollection photographs, films, videos and other media
- Historical subcollection
- Subcollection Lety
- Subcollection Ležáky
- Arts Subcollection
A brief description of each sub-collections can be found here.
List of items from the Photographic Collection (CZ)
List of artworks from the Lidice Collection of Modern Art (CZ)
Draft of the loan agreement in Czech and in English can be downloaded here.